
Monday, April 10, 2017

Hakone - Food & Hot Soaks

We left Tokyo for Hakone, a town in a mountainous area near Mt Fujii.  It is in a national park that features a lake and many hot springs.  Our hotel has hot spring baths and delicious meals.  

We arrived in the late afternoon, and decided to go for a pre dinner soak in one of the soak rooms for couples.  Before getting into the hot pool, you have to wash thoroughly at a station with soap, shampoo and a hand shower.   Then we got into the hot water.  It was like being in a very hot hot tub, so we could only take about 5 minutes of soaking..  We then rinsed off and went to our room to recuperate for dinner.

Hotel guests are provided with Yukatas (light cotton kimono) which they are encouraged to wear in the hotel, so our tour group all wore them to our dinner in the hotel.  Here we are at our 1st nights dinner:

Here is our tour group, getting ready for our multi course meal.  Ann & Joe are on the right.

The next day we took a cruise on the nearby lake, and were treated to a rare view from a museum of Mt Fujii in the distance:

Lunch the next day was a very nice buffet at a lake side hotel. These 2 photos show about 1/4 of the food choices:

These next photos are my main dishes followed by my dessert:

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