
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Day 4 London

We have enjoyed our stay in the Chelsea neighborhood. Not only does it have a very convenient subway station, South Kensington, which has direct service to Heathrow Airport,  but it is also populated with many restaurants, swanky shops,  nice homes and seemingly every imaginable expensive car, like Ferraris, Maserati's, Porsches, Mercedes Jaguars, BMWs, Audi A8, etc. 

The public transit system here in London is very impressive. You can get almost anywhere in the city using inexpensive public transit. There is also a significant amount of traffic, with cars speeding down very narrow streets at high speeds.

Besides iconic old buildings, London has some unique new buildings near London Bridge,  like the Shard,  which looks like a shard from Supermans Ice castle, the Gherkin which Marge says looks like a bullet and I say looks like a fancy vase, and another building that looks like a giant anvil.

Today we toured the Tower of London, the historic Castle along the banks of the Thames River,  adjacent to the London Bridge. Some of the things we saw were the crown jewels, kings' armor, ancient weapons, torture chamber, and lots of history.

Home Away From Home
Narrow Chelsea residences
So Kensington station
Tower of London actors

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