
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Day 2 London

Interesting fact: London is at the same latitude as Vancouver, BC.  The sun sets at 9 pm and rises at 5 am.  This means we spend more time doing tourist stuff and eat dinner later.   Dinner tonight was at a creperie at 9 pm, which is well past or normal 6 pm dinner time. 

This am we saw St Pauls cathedral,  then crossed the Millennium Bridge (photo below) and had lunch at the Tate Modern museum.  Our lunch table was next to a floor to ceiling window looking out over the Thames River providing a view of St Pauls,  among other sites. See photo below.  Marge had rabbit, I had an appetizer of asparagus and poached duck egg with hollandaise sauce,  and a fish & chips entrée.

After lunch we rode the London Eye, a giant Ferris wheel along the Thames..  Luckily,  the passenger compartment was enclosed,  so we didn't get soaked when it started rainning.  I heard thunder as we got near the top. We later heard that lightning hit the Shard,  a tall building not far from the Eye. 

After riding the Eye,  we walked by the Parliament building and Westminster, both of which were closed.  We did get into Churchills War Rooms museum,  although that was way too much history for a jet lagged traveler. Our afternoon rest stop was scones and hot drinks at Fortnums & Masons,  a high end food store.  

We walked 27000 steps today and are bushed as well as jet lagged. 

Millennium Bridge

ST  Pauls 
Lunch View 
 Lunch Appetizer  

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