
Thursday, October 24, 2013

1st full day in Paris

After our nap yesterday afternoon we walked over to the Seine river and then on to the Notre Dame cathedral. This is in the late afternoon so the light was perfect for photographs.

We had a dinner at a restaurant about 4 blocks away from the hotel, that Marge had found on Yelp. The reviewers were correct in saying that the head waiter was snooty and rude but the waitress in the room where they seat English speakers  spoke English and was very patient. For appetizers, marge had my mussels and I had scrambled eggs with tomatoes and truffles.  We shared an entree of duck breast and small potatoes; I was disappointed that the duck breast was tough so I didn't finish it. For dessert we chose chocolate mousse -they give you a bowl and start ladling in mousse until you say stop. We only ate half, but it was good.   According to Marge,  we walked 24000 steps yesterday.  A good traveling to eat day.

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