
Saturday, May 15, 2010


We left Montepulciano on the Autostrada (a toll road) for our next destination, on the coast. 

Traveling on the Autostrada is interesting because you never know when some very fast exotic sports car will zoom by.   On our first foray onto the Autostrada when we left Bologna, I a car coming up really fast and looked over just in time to see a red Ferrari zip by.   

We stopped for lunch near Lucca, at a restaurant owned by relatives of a friend of Joe and Marge.  Although it is in a small town, the restaurant was very nice, and our lunch was fabulous.  As has been our fashion, we ordered everything that sounded interesting, and were not disappointed by the resulting spread that appeared on our table and down to our tummies.   We had crostini with a variety of toppings, shell fish with tube pasta in a yummie butter and garlic sauce, ravioli in meat sauce.  At the end, he brought a bottle of home made limoncello that was a perfect balance of alcohol and lemons, sort of like drinking a shot of 100 proof lemonade. Even though I was driving one of the cars, I had a shot glass of it.  

Our hotel in Lerici, with view of the beach

Sunset over the Lerici harbor

          Several of us opted for just gelato for dinner in our stay in the seaside town of Lerici.  The young woman who served us was very personable, well dressed and attractive and took a liking to Joe, so Ann asked if she could take a photo, so I did too.  She asked Joe how long  we were staying, to which we replied 3 days, and then she told Joe that expected to see us back the next day.  That comment and the photo below gave us plenty of fuel to kid Joe about having a hot date.
 Teri's prize winning caption: "JOE GOT LUCKY"

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