
Thursday, March 5, 2015

3-5-15 Granada Palace

The weather has been much warmer than we anticipated.  When we planned this trip,  we thought it would be mostly cool and sometimes cold,  but with fewer tourists.   In actuality,  the temps have been very moderate and we have rarely had to wear more than light jackets and frequently wore short sleeves. 

We visited Alhambra palace and gardens. Fortunately we were able to get a reservation for an early morning start, and arrived at the entry gate by 9 a.m. This allowed us to see much of the attraction before the big tour groups started.

Built when the Moors occupied the southern part of Spain.  Throughout the complex, there is running water used for landscaping,  cooling,  the calming sound,  and for consumption.  The other thing that  stood out for me were the intricate carvings in the walls and doors.  Although I cannot run, I'm glad that my knees are good enough to be able to go up and down many stairs, which came in very handy today, because the Alhambra has a  lot of them.

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