
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

3-3-15 The Maze that is Cordoba

Our hotel in Cordoba is located in the Old section of town.  The area has narrow cobblestone streets that seem like a maze because they are seldom straight,  intersect at different angles and it is difficult to see street names.  Walking from one place to the next is like walking in a maze.  We usually had to use Marge's new iPhone to navigate. 

Most of our lunches and dinners have been tapas,  which are small portions, like appetizers, sometimes small toasts with different toppings.  The tapa places we saw in Madrid displayed premade tapas and you can just point at what looks good and order.  In Cordoba,  you order tapas from a menu.  We prefer the Madrid style, but still had good meals in Cordoba.

Spanish tortilla: eggs, onions & potatoes
Dessert - pastry cream in a small canning jar, covered with chunks of brownies and walnuts - simple & yummy

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