
Friday, May 6, 2011

5-6-11 Barcelona

This am we saw this building near our hotel, with numerous eyeball sculptures along the side:

The first thing we did was to go to the department store where I bought a sim card for my Android phone to try to get the internet portion to work.  The phone has several apps that would be handy while traveling, like Google maps to show our current location and nearby restaurants.  Luckily we got it to work.

Next we toured the Palau de la Musica Catalana.  To put it mildly, I was impressed.  Although it is surrounded by buildings that limit the amount of light falling on the building, the architect did a wonderful job of lighting up the interior with natural light coming in through the roof or upper portions of the walls.  In the middle of the ceiling of the concert hall is a giant stained glass covered water drop feeding in light from a skylight.   A number of columns lining the sides of the room provide support for the roof, yet look like giant pond lilies with mosaic covered trunks ending in saucer shaped branch canopies holding up the roof.  The ceiling is covered with giant colorful ceramic roses.  We couldn’t take photos inside, so please look it up and go see it for yourself the next time you are in Barcelona.  Here’s a link to photos on the internet:

We had a light lunch at a restaurant called Vino Sequeda.   Marge and I shared a mixed salad, followed by fish and cannelini beans, and finished with a piece of chocolate cake soaked with Bailey’s Irish cream.  We also had a Shandy.   Teri had large prawns with a very light batter, and Ann and Joe had small green peppers roasted w olive oil and baguette slices with olive oil & tomato paste. 

We walked off lunch with a stroll down to the harbor.   Marge found a skirt that she liked at a booth near the harbor.   Barcelona has done a wonderful job of incorporating great public art and architecture along the waterfront.  We saw wonderfully designed bridges and arches as we walked along the water. 

This evening we met our fellow travelers on the tour.  There are about 25 people, with the majority from either Manhattan or California.  I think we are the youngest ones in the group, but the average age is probably not more than about 75.

Dinner was in the hotel restaurant, which is a highly rated one, and was very good, especially since wine was included.  I had a bowl of gazpacho soup, which I have been craving since getting here, a really rich 4 cheese tortellini (I could only finish half), and finished with a small scoop of gelato with a chocolate biscuit.  Marge had a tomato & mozzarella salad, salmon, and flan for dessert.  

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