
Thursday, May 5, 2011

5-5-11 Barcelona

In am, we wandered over to the Palau de la Musica Catalana, over 100 year old  music hall,  and we bought tickets for a tour the next am.  From the parts we could see, and my recollection of videos (Rick Steves?) of it, I am looking forward to the tour. 
Coffee shop area in the Palau
 We then walked to see la Catedral (the cathedral)  where I sat in the plaza to people watch (we had already seen about 5 churches so far) while the gang checked out the interior along w the other tourists.   We had a lunch of sandwiches – ours was a baguette with Serrano ham, brie and microscopically thin slices of tomato plus a Shandy – beer and lemonade. 

Before dinner, we joined Ann and Joe in a small plaza around the corner from the hotel for beer and sangria while we watched people stroll by, but had to put up with smokers at nearby tables.  There are more smokers here than I remember anywhere else we have been.
Marge's photo of Joe & Ann drinking as usual

Marge's photo of girls at the table next to us

Dinner was at a restaurant recommended by a friend of Ann and Joe’s – Rincon de Aragon.  We shared several appetizers: salad of eggs, tuna, olives, potatoes & tomatoes, salad of white asparagus, green beans with greens, and a mixed salad.  We shared entrées of roast suckling pig and lamb. 
Marge's photo of our dinner at Rincon de Aragon

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