
Sunday, January 17, 2016

Nov 27 Normandy beaches

Today was devoted to the Normandy beaches via a 2 hour bus ride each way.   Although we visited this area years ago, it was informative to see the area with a tour guide. We saw how the Allied army built a major harbor at the beach town of Aromanche in a few days during the height of the war. The harbor was critical to supplying the push that started at the Normandy beaches. We also visited the American cemetery above Utah Beach.  Although we had seen the cemetery before, the number of burial markers is still staggering, especially when you see that the dates were all within about a week of each other. I enjoyed the greenery of the countryside in the area and was surprised by the emptiness of the villages during this off season.
 American Cemetery @ Utah Beach
 German bunker
 Marge shooting a sculpture on one of the beaches

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